A gastrostomy-jejunostomy tube (G-J tube) is a tube that is placed in your stomach and small intestine. This tube may be used to give you another way to feed your body (the J tube portion is used for feeding). Typically, GJ tubes are used for children who cannot tolerate feeding into the stomach, usually due to gastroesophageal reflux (GERD), vomiting, or gastroparesis. The GJ tube is placed through the already existing stoma (opening) into the stomach if you have had a G tube previously.
What will the procedure involve?
You will be given medicine that will help you go to sleep. Then the doctor will use a very narrow, bendable tube with a tiny camera and light on the end to look inside your body (endoscopy tube). The doctor will thread the GJ tube into your small intestine via the endoscopy tube. The tube will stay in your stomach because it has a small balloon on the end, inside your stomach. The end of the tube has three outlets (labeled gastric, jejunal, and balloon). Your doctor will give you further instructions on these tubes and outlets.
Before and after the procedure
You will be given instructions to not have anything to eat, drink, or tube feeding a certain amount of time before the procedure to avoid problems with the anesthesia.
Immediately after the procedure, your child will begin to slowly wake up from the medicine. Once your child is fully awake and doing well, they will be cleared to go home.
Following insertion of a G-J tube, feedings via the tube will usually be continuous (versus bolus feeding). This is because the feeding is going directly into the small intestine versus the stomach. The small intestine cannot handle large amounts of food at one time like the stomach can. Your provider will give you instructions on how you will need to adjust your child’s feeding regimen.
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