pH Probe Study

For More Information
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 The purpose of the pH Probe study is to measure the number of reflux episodes your child has over a specified time period.  Before the study you will stop all reflux medications (listed below) at least 5 days before your procedure.  During this study:

  • DO NOT take any medications for reflux or acid reducers such as omeprazole, lansoprazole, esomeprazole, Prevacid, Prilosec, Nexium, Pepcid, famotidine, Tums, or other calcium chews. If you are uncertain about a medication please call the office to make sure it is ok for your child to have during the study.
  • DO NOT give ibuprofen for pain or discomfort after the procedure as this could increase the risk of bleeding. You may give acetaminophen.
  • Do not remove the probe from the recorder.
  • Please do not remove any stickers from the device as this is how we identify the study is your child’s.

The receiver records every episode of reflux that your child may have during the study.  The buttons on the recorder provide our physicians with additional information to help better identify triggers and develop the best plan of care for your child.  To use the buttons, you will press the appropriate buttons as below:

  • The “pill” icon is used if your child is taking a medication. When they take the medication, you will press the pill button one time.
  • The “heart with lightning bolt” icon is used when your child has a refux symptom such as regurgitation, heartburn, vomiting, abdominal pain, coughing, choking, or any symptom you feel is related to their GI problems.   When these symptoms are noted, you will press this button.
  • The buttons in the middle are recording buttons. You will turn these buttons on and off when it’s appropriate.
  • The”knife and fork” icon is used to record when you child is eating anything other than clear liquids. If your child is eating, you will press the knife and fork button.  The green light on that button will blink letting you know it is recording.  When you child is finished eating, press the button again to turn off the recording.  The green light will go off.
  • The “bed” icon is used to record any time your child is lying flat with their head elevated with no more than one pillow. This can be on their side, back or stomach.  You follow the same instructions as the “knife and fork”

The study will last for approximately 23 hours.  If the probe is accidently displaced or removed before the study is complete, please do not attempt to replace it. You can just return it to the office.

You will return to our office at 1975 Town Center Blvd 23 hours after the placement to have the probe removed.

Once complete, you may begin to give your child any stomach medications they were on prior to this study as well as any medications the doctor may have prescribed at the time of the procedure.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our office at 865-546-3998.

Thank you for allowing our staff at GI For Kids to care for your child.