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Transitions – GI For Kids

What Therapists Do

A therapist is a doctor who specializes in helping people to manage their emotions and thereby improve the quality of their life. A therapist is different from a psychiatrist in that this approach to treatment does not involve prescribing medication.

Pursuing Behavioral Health Services

Determining the best resource for behavioral health services for your child requires knowing your options and determining the “goodness of fit” between your child and the treating therapist.

What We Treat

Our behavior clinicians are experienced in helping a variety of disorders. Click below to learn more about the disorders we treat.

Adjustment to illness

Most all of us experience significant changes in our lives. Sometimes the changes are good and sometimes not. Our ability to cope with these changes affects our emotions and how we move forward with our lives.

Anorexia Nervosa

Anorexia nervosa, also known as anorexia, is an eating disorder where a person has a fear of gaining weight. It is a serious disorder which is often diagnosed with other illnesses like depression, anxiety and substance abuse. 


Children frequently develop anxiety following stressful or painful experiences that they want to avoid again at all cost. Sometimes anxious children can simply see someone else go through a bad experience and then develop worry that it will happen to them, even though the chances of this are very remote.

Bulimia Nervosa

Bulimia nervosa is a serious eating disorder. A person with bulimia often eats large amounts of high calorie foods in secret and usually feels like they are not in control over this overeating. After they eat a larger amount of food than most people would eat under similar situations (binge), they try to get rid of the food they just ate.

Compliance problems with medical regimens

Compliance with medical treatment can be an incredible obstacle for children and their families in addressing health problems. It has been estimated that adherence to prescribed medical treatments can be as low as 50% in pediatric populations. Finding ways to help children and their families with this problem can improve overall health dramatically.


Throughout life we all experience ups and downs. Feeling blue at times is considered normal. There are times, however, when changes in mood should not be ignored.


Encopresis is a condition in which a child, over the age of 4, soils their pants or defecates in an inappropriate location.

504 Plans

Section 504 requires federally funded schools to provide to students with disabilities appropriate educational services designed to meet the individual needs of such students. These services must meet the same standard as those students without disabilities.

School attendance concerns

School is a complex social setting for children even as young as pre-school. Peer interaction and teachers’ expectations can cause stress for many children. Additionally worry about a parent, in their absence, can also pre-occupy a child’s attention when they should be attending to their school responsibilities.